you can be lean and thin on the outside but technically fat on the inside you could walk around and people would never know that you're actually fat because you could look lean but you have a lot of visceral fat, you see subcutaneous fat is the fat that's just underneath our skin it's the unsightly fat that.
we don't I really like it but the thing is the subcutaneous fat although annoying isn't really all that dangerous from a hormonal standpoint I mean yes in excess definitely but a little bit of sub-q fat is not bad it secretes good hormones it secretes leptin it secretes things that help encourage good sex drive and sex hormones, okay but visceral fat is the fat that is in our abdomen that.
we cannot see and that is the dangerous fat and that is the fact that could lead to more sub-q fat later on you see here's the thing visceral fat is inside our abdominal cavity and it's going to leak inflammatory cytokines it's very inflammatory which means that it leaks things that trigger inflammation now it doesn't simply connect them into the circulation system it spills them into the entry vein of the circulatory system.
which drains directly into the liver which means that we have potentially inflammatory cytokines going right into the liver which could instill some inflammation in us but worst of all that ends up setting the stage for metabolic distress.
okay if you're draining a bunch of inflammation into the liver then how is the liver able to process food and nutrients and actually do its job the point is it's dangerous stuff and I want to teach you how you can target it now the only reason that I know this stuff is simply because the research is out there okay.
I'm only providing this for informational purposes because I've seen the research and I think it needs to be out there the only way that you can know if you have high levels of visceral fat is to go and get a DEXA to scan okay body fat calipers or body fat testing or bio and Pedic scales aren't gonna tell you.
you need a DEXA scan that actually, looks at you that way anyhow how do we target it well the first way is gonna be via a low glycemic or low insulin diet now I'm not trying to say that you need to do a ketogenic diet okay I'm careful not to say that in In this Blog the point is anyways that you can limit insulin.
you will have an improvement in instinctive fat so regardless of whether that be by doing a ketogenic diet whether it be by doing some affixing or it's simply by presenting low glycemic carbs instead of highly Cement carbs you're gonna be in a better situation from a visceral fat standpoint take a look at this study so this study was published in the journal Obesity took a look at 69 diabetics and overweight patients.
okay very simply put they had them all go on a caloric diet which means they ate the same amount of calories the only thing that was different between them is for eight weeks one group ate a high glycemic diet and another group ate a low glycemic carbohydrate well neither group lost all that much weight so from the beginning you're similar to okay neither eating regimen truly worked however the gathering that ate the low glycemic starches lost ten point nine percent instinctive fat through the gathering that consumed the same amount of calories but via high glycemic carbs gained one point three percent visceral fat okay if that doesn't prove that a calorie is just a calorie is wrong.
I don't know what will a calorie is not just a calorie clearly a low glycemic carbohydrate didn't affect what we know is inflammatory visceral fat compared to high glycemic carbs plainly adding provocative instinctive fat so in any case, we should continue on to the following little stunt restricting fructose alright fructose is the sugar that comes from leafy foods I saying you shouldn't eat fruit no fruit is fine okay just in moderation.
I usually recommend not having more than like forty to fifty grams of fructose per day different if you're on keto but just, in general, see fructose can only get metabolized in the liver which means that it overloads the liver quickly and it goes through.
what's called de novo lipid Genesis if we have too much to know beloved Genesis is where sugar gets converted into fat but really fructose well guess what the liver is in your abdominal cavity so if it gets converted into fat where is it going to get deposited it's gonna get deposited right in our abdominal cavity as you guessed visceral fat so an interesting study that was published in the journal gastroenterology took a look at 49 overweight children in this case and it put them on a limited fructose diet for nine days.
okay so about a week and a half well what they found is after just a week and a half these subjects reduce their visceral fat content by thirteen cubic centimeters that's a week and a half and they're already reducing that much now they actually lost more visceral adipose tissue than they did subcutaneous tissue so again at first glance might think no they didn't lose that much but they actually lost a significant amount of fat they just lost it in the harmful visceral fat form which is what we want to get rid of so it's not always about.
what you are seeing on the scale or what you're seeing in the mirror if you're making healthier choices you're probably improving your health I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that now here's an interesting one for those of you that are vitamin junkies vitamin D might be something that's going to help you out with your visceral fat levels yeah so the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published an interesting study this one took a look at test subjects that consumed a hundred IU's of vitamin D alongside calcium-fortified orange juice, yes pure fructose is actually kind of ironic.
okay compared to subjects that didn't have the vitamin D well they found the subjects that had the vitamin D had a decrease in their visceral fat levels now the interesting thing is that these were subjects that were deficient in vitamin D so full disclaimer if you have adequate amounts of vitamin D man this may not have the same effect but seventy-seven percent of Americans are deficient in vitamin D so there's a good chance.
you're going to get a positive effect on your visceral fat if you do take in some vitamin D it's just something to consider when you're looking at the vitamin shelf all right then we have to look at this very important one which is fasting whether it's 18 hours or whether it's 72 hours has some powerful effects.
when it comes down to the utilization of visceral fat fasting preferentially runs on visceral fat, it's a brown form of fat so even though it's not a good fat it's still, a brown fat that contributes to energy when we're fasting now there's been some studies have shown that fasting actually recruits white adipose tissue which is like our sub-q tissue into visceral fat and then burns it that sounds kind of weird right.
we don't want visceral fat to be there but it's kind of a staging area for fasting so the longer the short of it is this intermittent fasting indirectly burns up visceral fat it's a great way to reduce misrule fat it's a great way to reduce fat in general in fact it's going to burn them both at about the same rate from.
what I've seen in the way of research so it's pretty wild stuff now I will say if you're someone that's trying to make some of these healthier decisions you may want to check out thrive market
because I've been able to Kito and fasting grocery boxes through thriving now they're a huge sponsor of this Blog and they're awesome but at the same time I've been able to create grocery boxes for people that are really convenient right so if you're trying to do intermittent fasting you don't know,
where to start you want to be able to get the right foods from when you do break your fast I highly recommend that you check out my fasting bundle with the thriving marketplace so that way you don't have to I don't know go to the grocery store and just aimlessly walk around hoping that you can get.
what I would generally recommend so again is they're an online membership-based grocery store that makes shopping super easy and quite frankly easier in the grocery store so links down below in the description after you watch this Blog ok now I've got one more really interesting one to talk about it are five loss-of-function this is known as an LDL receptor.
so it's a specific LDL receptor-related protein now this is complicated but I'm going to make it very simple this lrp v is involved in bone density but it's also involved in fat mass distribution so the study that was published in the journal Cell Metabolism that specifically looks at lrp v found some interesting results.
okay so looked at test subjects that had a loss of function with lrp v and one of the things that he did find is that on average they had a higher waist-to-hip ratio now it didn't directly say that loss of function with LRP v a would have an effect on visceral fat but by default, if you have an increase in the waist-hip the ratio you generally are looking at an increase in visceral fat now.
I have another case study to add to this to kind of connect the dots you might be wondering what the heck I'm even talking about the point is with lrp v you could have an L RP v loss of function and not know it and that would mean your body is going to distribute fat unevenly even.
if you're perfectly healthy I have a quick solution for you just hang tight okay so there's one particular case study in this case study that was published in the frontiers of endocrinology.
but when these subjects went over to do a DEXA scan he was sixteen percent body fat indicating that he clearly had a high degree of visceral fat it wasn't visible but he had a lot of body fat it was just so wasn't seen well guess what this test subject has the top 5 loss-of-function.
which means that his body isn't really receiving the cholesterol is right long To story short he has this loss of function that I'm talking about and he has high levels of this real fat so we have to connect the dots of these two studies that show that a loss of function with LR p5 could very well indicate that.
you're gonna store fat as visceral fat much easier so what is the solution well research shows that low-dose lithium orotate yes the same thing that is prescribed in higher doses for anxiety and depression can be used to improve the function of the LR p5 and the downstream WMT signaling pathway this is all very complicated.
if you're a science nerd and you're digging this if you're not you're totally lost and you can probably turn off the blog simple point is if you get an over-the-counter online like a 5-milligram dose of lithium.
you can have a pretty solid improvement that's LR p5 now the problem is you have to go and get some blood testing to see if you even have that issue but long story short just an interesting bonus so as always please do keep it locked in here in my blog l, if you want me to expand on any more of this nerdy stuff with LR p5 or anything like that put it down below in the comment section and please don't forget to check out thrive market because they do make this blog possible
thank you again I'll see you in the next blog