Hi, guys welcome back to my blog today. I am sharing a turmeric and honey recipe that not only helps you burn stomach fat but also helps with weight loss reduces swelling reduces arthritis pain helps balance hormones so.
it is very beneficial for those with high roid and PCOS and also helps boost your immunity.
I have had questions about whether there is a better and easier way to make turmeric tea a little more flavorful. so today I am sharing an easy way to take turmeric, especially for those busy people who don't have time to make turmeric tea in the morning and then wait for it to cool down so.
To make this recipe, I have a homemade turmeric tea mix that I had already shared on my blog. This mix is a staple in my house and the recipe.
I'm sharing today is made with this homemade mix now in a small glass container I'm adding in homemade turmeric mix about half the container which is about four tablespoons and then I'm adding an equal amount of honey which is about 4 tablespoons of honey and 4 tablespoons of turmeric mix now with a wooden spoon mix the honey and turmeric well and once mixed,
if you feel the mixture is a bit thick, you can add a little extra honey once it is well-mixed covered with an airtight lid it will keep well at room temperature for up to two weeks but be sure not to store it in the refrigerator how to consume this mixture well you can have up to a teaspoon of this mixture as.
if you were using turmeric for the first time start with having half a teaspoon in the stomach in the morning and you can slowly increase this up to a teaspoon this way you get the benefits of the turmeric and honey plus you don't need to go to the trouble of making turmeric tea and many of you also asked me.
if there is a way to make the tea a bit more tasty so with this honey and turmeric the taste is nice actually I would enjoy having this and I am sure it will make including turmeric in your diet much easier and tasty so this is an easy way and simple to have turmeric.
if you are staying in a hostel or traveling then carrying this honey and turmeric mix would be a better option without the hassle of making turmeric tea.
prefer to drink turmeric tea then, of course, you can go ahead and make turmeric tea and have this is just an easier way to consume turmeric, especially for office-going students and those people who travel a lot once you have a half or a teaspoon o If this mixture of turmeric and honey you can have a glass of warm water after having this mixture as.
so check it out and take a look since I live in Pakistan, the turmeric I use. it's the best quality locally sourced so I can't give you any links to buy turmeric please try this honey and turmeric and let me know the results.