Losing weight can be challenging—and quick weight loss even tougher. And when you’re aiming to lose weight in 7 days, it’s easy to become impatient and forget the importance of taking it slow and steady when trying to drop those pounds quickly, especially if you plan on keeping them off long-term. So if you want to know how to lose weight naturally in 7 days, here are some tips to help you get started!
Drink Water
You don’t have to give up food altogether to lose weight. In fact, water is a natural appetite suppressant. Drinking a glass before every meal helps fill you up and prevents you from eating too quickly or consuming too many calories. Stay hydrated by drinking 64 ounces of water per day, at least half an hour before eating. This will help you avoid unhealthy snacking throughout your day.
Sleep 8 Hours
Research shows that people who get 8 hours of sleep per night are more successful at losing weight than those who do not. This is because when you sleep, your body releases hormones that boost metabolism and make you feel full. It’s a win-win situation for dieters! Try to go to bed at 10 p.m. every night so you can wake up around 6 a.m. when your body is well-rested and ready to kick-start fat burning for the day.
Eat Natural Healthy Foods
Include Whole Grains in Your Diet
Whole grains like brown rice and oats can help you lose weight. They’re rich in fiber, which is filling, and a diet rich in whole grains may help protect against diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and many types of cancer. If you can’t tolerate wheat or gluten, you might be able to handle sprouted-grain bread or whole-grain pasta made from flours made from things like chickpeas or lentils.
Get a Good Amount of Exercise Every Day
According to Harvard Health Publications, aerobic exercise is one of several kinds of activity that can help you lose weight. You don’t have to run marathons or do calisthenics for an hour every day—30 minutes a day is fine. The key is to move your body enough so that it uses up more calories than you take in from food and drink. If you already get 30 minutes a day, try adding an extra 15-minute workout.
Use Common Sense
Don’t reduce your calorie intake too much, don’t do anything that’s going to be hard for you, and don’t cut out any food groups. Any healthy diet should include lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins (including beans), and dairy foods. Find a balanced approach—that means paying attention to all your meals, not just one—and you may see some quick weight loss during those first seven days. You could lose up to 10 pounds in seven days.
Eat Breakfast
The very first meal of your day might also be one of your most important. Skipping breakfast can cause hunger and weakness while eating a healthy breakfast can help kick-start weight loss by stabilizing blood sugar levels, curbing cravings, and boosting metabolism—all crucial components to losing weight fast. Start your day with oatmeal, whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, or Greek yogurt with berries.
Cut Out Junk Food from your Life
Research shows that eating a healthy diet high in fiber can decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease and can help you to lose weight by keeping you feeling full longer. It’s essential to keep track of what types of foods you are consuming though. Some junk food like cookies, chips, and donuts taste great, but they may not be good for your health. When cutting out junk food from your diet, it’s best to focus on natural foods like fruits and vegetables for weight loss.